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 The TUBÚ HɄMMɄRIMASA nation shares from its history of healing, the proposal of DIRÖAMASA, people of the dawn, another proposal, new people who, without being indigenous, support and strengthen the idea of SUARY (rebuilding the unwoven of a society) that the elders share in the history of healing that accompanies them since the world is world, since man is man and since time is time.


SUARY - REBUILDING THE UNWOVEN OF A SOCIETY - is a group of men and women from different socio-cultural sectors, who since 2008 in Cali, build a collective proposal with the permanent accompaniment of IMIKÃ TARIRU BARY VERA KUARY BARU, elder and knower of the TUBÚ HɄMMɄRIMASA nation.


SUARY aims to maintain and disseminate in society the practices of proper use of plants that are part of the Anaconda Canoe, the songs and dances as the highest expression of knowledge, healing stories and the set of values that keep their knowledge alive. In this way, to influence society based on the vision of collective work and the construction of society from the difference.


This weaving has allowed to accompany collective processes in different regions of the country and to constitute SUARY - Bioethnic, Social and Cultural Association, a legal figure that, from the city of Cali, accompanies the process of SUARY of the Elder Imika Tariru. 


It is from this organizational form that the proposal of the House of Dawn materializes, in the DIRÖAMASA territory, from which it is wanted to take care, to live and to fortify the knowledge of the Tubú Hummurimasa Nation, safeguarded for the humanity and that requires its accompaniment.


The Suary proposal is based on the ancestral practice of Ajphy bará. It is the place of the encounter with daily life, to solve the situations that the dizziness of life poses and to project the work of what is to come. 


The pillars of the Suary vision are Origins and Native.


The Ajphy Bará is a traditional space and practice of the TUBÚ HɄMMɄRIMASA nation, where the wisdom and understanding of the elders are shared, respecting all aspects of life.


Ajphy Bara is a practice of sharing daily experiences, guided by the Elders and leaders who are recognized by their own community, accompanied by plants and beverages that are part of their traditional practices.


Everyone in the community is invited to participate.


The Tubú nation shares from an ancestral knowledge, born of deep understanding and a way of life practiced and taught for thousands of years. During the gathering, stories, songs, and dances are shared, from the vision of Tubú — how they act and resolve certain situations inherent to human existence. Ideas and knowledge are exchanged, and conscious dialogues are built, with the intention of applying them in daily life, in all contexts.


This space for transmitting knowledge through the spoken word is accompanied by traditional plants and beverages, found in the Anaconda Canoe. Information about each ancestral plant is shared from the vision of the Tubú nation and the role it represents in society, acquiring the value of tools in the life of the human being and adequately accompanying the leadership in society.


Participants are not required to take the plants.


The true importance of the gathering lies in the knowledge shared through words, and in the construction of meaningful dialogues with the participation of everyone present.


The information exchanged in these spaces can benefit individuals as conscious members of society, whether they are involved in social processes or work and study in fields such as anthropology, politics, sociology, and medicine. It can inspire proposals and inform effective actions in various projects and initiatives.


The purpose is to rebuild the individual, redirecting their capacity to contribute to the construction of society. Any knowledge that supports the advancement of humanity in this way enriches the proposal, respecting each cosmology, culture, and practice—co-creating from our differences as a complementary force, working towards rebuilding a more conscious and healthy society.


ORIGINS focuses its development from focusing, planning and developing actions to strengthen internal or community processes, always with the approach of contributing to society from the individual experience and the contribution it makes as a social being, accompanied by its own experience.


Thus in 2013, as a constituted group, “Suary, Rebuilding the unwoven of a society” was winner of the Grant for the Recovery and Revitalization of Indigenous Traditional Dances, with the project “Reconocimiento y Fortalecimiento de las Danzas Ancestrales de la Nación TUBÚ HUMMURIMASA” (resolution 1757 of June 21, 2013 Ministry of Culture of Colombia).


The Suary idea actively participates in the process of transformation to Ecobarrio de la Urbanización Aguacatal, in the city of Cali, where the Mother House of Suary is based, a meeting place and strengthening of the TUBÚ HUMMURIMASA proposal. Currently, Suary is constituted as a legal figure to strengthen and accompany the processes of origins.


Right now, SUARY as a process has expanded to several countries around the world. SUARY is part of international social processes, always with the objective of promoting the exchange in the use and dissemination of knowledge and ancestral tools of the nation Tubú Hummurimasa, throughout the world, in order to protect and safeguard the practices and knowledge kept for thousands of years by native nations.


Native is to make with the hands, the weaving of clothes for dances, musical instruments, handicrafts and ornaments. 


Native is the ratification of the action in time and space of the Suary. 

It is the weaving that rebuilds a society.

© 2025
SUARY Asociación Bioétnica, Social y Cultural 
NIT 901236829-0


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